
Archive for the ‘Mobile’ Category

Piggybacking WiFi at 60mph

September 7, 2011 Leave a comment

I was in Madrid speaking at a conference a couple of months ago, and arriving after one of my favorite trans-Atlantic flights (you know the ones, where the ratio of screaming children to adults is not conducive to rest or even playing Angry Birds) I was excited to take one of the citi-cabs which have free wifi onboard to my hotel, a 45 minute journey away.

It was an interesting experience to say the least – though getting completely car-sick in the process, I managed to clear my inbox, answer a dozen questions on, and also catch up with the news care of Google and the BBC. All in all, it was a most productive journey. Read more…

Categories: Exploits, Mobile

Mobile Device or Not? That is the question…

June 9, 2011 1 comment

For the last couple of weeks I’ve been presenting around the U.S. at events such as Secure360 in St. Paul, and the McAfee Executive Summits in Boston and New York.

One question I was asked at every event, was “What is a mobile device?”

The flippant answer of course which after two weeks of middle seats and hours of flight delays comes easily to my lips, is “A device which moves from place to place” – but is that strictly true any more? Read more…

Categories: Mobile