
Archive for May, 2015

Microsoft vs NY State, Still going on..

May 14, 2015 1 comment

A quick followup to my blogs of September 2014 here and July 2014 here, where the NY State court is trying to compel Microsoft to hand over emails from one of their servers in Ireland.

Surprisingly this is still not decided according to The Irish Times – with the two opposing arguments “You can access the data remotely so we want it” and “NY State can’t compel us to give up data stored in another country without following due international process” still going on.

You can appreciate that if Microsoft loses this one, it spells the end of international business for US cloud storage providers – it’s bad enough that domestically the US Government can demand access to our in-country data, let alone demand access to data stored out of country, or even stored by people in other countries, in other countries.

Categories: Uncategorized

Speaking at INTX 2015, Chicago May 5-7

INTX 2015

This week I’ll be at INTX Chicago talking to ISPs and cable providers about our secure gateway technology – if you’re attending please drop into the Intel booth and say hello!

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